About Chris
- B.S. U.S. Naval Academy; M.A. St. John's College
- At The Heights since 1998
- 301.365.0227 ext. 206
- cbreslin@heights.edu
Chris Breslin is a Marine infantry officer who served on active duty for twenty years before retiring from the Corps. Just before joining The Heights’ faculty in 1998, he taught for six years in the Professional Development and English Departments at the U.S. Naval Academy, where he was designated a Master Instructor. He currently teaches English to upper school students. A 1978 graduate of the Naval Academy with a B.S. in English, he earned an M.A. in Liberal Arts from St. John’s College, Annapolis. Chris and his wife Laurie have six children. Their youngest son Max graduated from The Heights in June 2010, joining his older brothers, Joe ’01 and Casey ’07, as alumni.