Environmental Science
- Course ID:SCI 305/306
- Semesters:2
- Department:Biology
- Teachers:Dave Fornaciari
Description and Objectives
Quarter 1
Population Principles
- Population characteristics
- Growth Curves
- carrying Capacity
Human Population
- Rates of growth
- Demographic transition model
- Population growth and the environment
- Appropriate means for limiting births
- Population issues
World Food Supply
- Sources of food
- Agriculture methods
- Perspectives for future food sources
Effects of Agriculture on the Environment
- Soil
- Irrigation methods
- Cultural study on past uses
- Biogeochemical cycles
Quarter 2
- Ecosystems and Management
- Biogeography
- Biological Productivity
- Ecological Restoration
- Urban Environments
- Forests and Parks
Quarter 3
- Urban Environments
- Fossil Fuels
- Alternative Energy
- Climate Change
- Toxins in Environment
Quarter 4
- Indoor Air Pollution
- Environmental Economics
- Waste Management
Environmental Science: Environment: : The Science Behind the Stories;
by Jay Withgott and Matthew Laposata | Jan 4, 2017
Course Requirements
Grades will be determined by tests, quizzes, homework, notebook checks, projects, graded essays, current events presentations, and class participation. In an 8 week period there will be a minimum of 8 graded assignments and some of these will be weighted differently. Please note late homework is not accepted.
Successful Students
From my observations, the greatest challenge for a student in a high school science is the need to do consistent work over the entire quarter. Success in the course will depend on a student’s motivation, consistent daily preparation, reading ability, organizational skills, attentiveness, and the ability to think abstractly. These skills, at the present time, may not be at their peak, but the student’s willingness to develop and apply them throughout the year is essential for a positive learning experience.
Additional Resources
When your son is absent be sure to have him stay to make up work as needed. Upon their return to class the student is expected to participate in all activities including tests/quizzes unless a note is presented to me and signed by a parent. Missed tests/quizzes/projects will be made up upon the students return to school. Homework for a 1-day absence should be made up in 2 days, and for an extended absence work should be completed within 5 school days. I try to be available after school but the student should check with me to be sure.