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Modern European History AP

HIST 517/518

Modern European History AP

  • Course ID:HIST 517/518
  • Semesters:2
  • Department:History
  • Course Rank:College Level
  • Teachers:Richard Ybarra

Description and Objectives

This course examines modern European history from approximately 1450 to the present, from the Renaissance and the Reformation to the fall of Communism and beyond.  Students will acquire a solid knowledge of the major political and diplomatic events in modern European history, and a knowledge of intellectual and cultural trends and economic and social developments.  One of the primary goals of this course is to prepare students to be able to obtain college credit by taking the AP exam in the spring.  In addition to factual knowledge, students will need to be able to demonstrate reading comprehension, analysis, and writing at the collegiate level.


Barron’s AP European History, 9th Edition

A History of The Modern World, Ninth Edition , R. R. Palmer, Joel Colton and Lloyd Kramer.

Additional materials presented in handout form.

Course Requirements

Students should expect daily reading assignments.  Homework will be checked daily for completion.  Due to the extensive amount of material covered by the AP exam, and the limited amount of class time, not everything that could be asked on the exam will be covered in class, or will be covered in sufficient depth.  Class lectures will cover as much of the most important material as possible.  Thus, it is vital for students to do all of the assigned reading to do well on the AP exam.

Class participation is expected.  This can take the form of answering questions asked by the teacher, contributing insightful comments, or asking penetrating questions.  Class participation demonstrates that the student is engaging the material and is mastering the concepts learned in the reading assignments and class lectures.

Several tests will be given each quarter, along with Midterm and Final exams that are cumulative.  All tests will be in the same style as the AP exam.  The tests will be made up of   multiple choice questions; and they will be made up of the Free Response questions of the AP exam (Short Answer, Long Essay Question, and Document Based Question).  This will ensure that the students are well prepared for the actual AP exam.

The final grade each quarter will be based on the following:

  • Tests
  • Reading/Homework assignments

Successful Students

Successful students will come on time to class; they will come having completed carefully their homework assignments.

Successful students will actively participate in class by taking good notes and contributing to class discussion.

Successful students will prepare effectively before tests and will develop proficiency in answering AP style multiple choice and free response questions.

Additional Resources

I am available outside of class and will make myself available for extra help whenever an appointment is needed.  And, I encourage parents to contact me with any questions or concerns either by phone or email: or (301) 365-0227 ext. 253.