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Advanced Latin Grammar and Composition

LAT 549

Advanced Latin Grammar and Composition

  • Course ID:LAT 549
  • Semesters:1
  • Department:Classics
  • Course Rank:Honors
  • Teachers:Lionel Yaceczko

Description and Objectives

Latin prose composition is the ordeal through which Latinists achieve the confidence of knowing that they can do anything they will ever need to do with the language. If translating Latin is a higher order skill than simply reading it, then translating into Latin is the highest order of all. If you can do this, you can do anything in Latin.


The textbooks are provided on loan and must be returned at the end of the course in good condition. Failure to take good care of these books will result in the student being asked to purchase replacements. Of course students are welcome and encouraged to purchase their own copies of these books, which may be used in future Latin courses in college.

  • Bradley’s Arnold Latin Prose Composition. One copy provided to each student.
  • Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata. One copy provided to each student.

Course Requirements

The course grade will be based on the following grades:

  • about twenty (20) Compositions. English-to-Latin translations. 100 points each.
  • ad hoc quizzes to review morphology, vocabulary, or grammar. 10 points each.
  • at least one memorization and recitation of a Latin text. 100 points.
  • Morphology Exam. 100 multiple choice questions. Second quarter only. 100 points each.
  • above all, follow the syllabus. When you go to college, no one will teach you how to follow a syllabus or use the word “homework”: you will be expected to be able to do it already.

Successful Students

  • Study Latin at least fifteen solid minutes every day of the week, (that means tunnel vision from 0–15, no distractions, no touching or looking at a phone, not even a bathroom break.
  • ask their peers for help!
  • seek out the instructor during office hours.
  • do not just be on time: get ahead of the syllabus.
  • read Latin every day out loud, slowly, and with attention. I repeat: 1.) out loud; 2.) slowly; 3.) with attention.

Additional Resources

Summer Assignment

In AY 2021–2022 all Advanced Latin courses will have the same summer assignment.
Click here to download the PDF: Advanced Latin Summer Assignment.